Saturday, February 15, 2014


3D printing was introduced to the world in 1986 when Charles Hull patented his first 3D Printing machine. Almost 2 decades later, 3D printing has become more familiar and available to all. 3D printing is starting to take hold in many different areas, including clothing and food. The near future will see the 3D Printer will take a space in every modern house. So far we only see these unique items in shows and specialist companies. For 3 days New York welcomed  the 3DPrintShow that allowed us to get more familiar with new products and be part this technology. 


  Created on BigRep ONE ($39,000). Resolution 100 micron-1mm

3D printing has already taken its place in new fashion, and celebrities like Lady Gaga have already become their patrons. Anything you can imagine, unbelievably detailed shoes, accessories and dresses created especially for your body type will capture your attention. Artists and fashion designers have gotten more involved in producing new clothing using 3D printers.

3D is also becoming a new media for artists. Joshua Harker, Eric Van Straaten, and Sophie Kahn are pioneering new production. In the show classroom, Joshua Harker talked about his incredible journey to create unmakeable, his series of technically complex tangles. He is credited with the first work to break the "design and manufacturing possibility threshold".  

3D printing company I.Materalise challenged users to create art pieces showcasing 3D prints in their work. Andy Warhol's Tomato Soup by Emanuele Niri was the winner:

3D printing has also become a strong tool for the movie industry to create more complex costumes and give them a futuristic look. Legacy Effects is one of the companies that can offer 3D model and costume printing to brighten filmmaker's imaginations. Thor, Avatar, and Iron Man are a few of the movies that used 3D production. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Li Hongbo in Klein Sun Gallery

Li Hongbo invites viewers to experience paper and sculpture in a revolutionary and insightful new way. It's his first solo exhibition in the United States called Tools of Study. With what appears to be impeccable recreations of carved porcelain masterpieces, the sculpture are in fact entirely comprised of thousands of layers of paper. 

With a technique influenced by his fascination with traditional Chinese decorations known as paper gourds - made from glued layers of paper - Li Hongbo applies a honeycomb-like structure to form remarkably flexible sculptures.

Utilizing his expert knowledge of paper's natural strengths and weaknesses, the artist has transformed the media to stretch, twist, elongate and retract as if it were a giant slinky. Through this juxtaposition of playful mobility and a traditional aesthetic, Li Hongbo breathes a unique life into his works that stuns and awes the viewer. 

To fulfill an effect of his masterwork please watch the video below.

Lo Hongbo was born in Jilin, China in 1974.He lives and works in Beijing, China.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sculptures in Financial District. Part 1.

The sculpture “Group of Four Trees” by Jean Dubuffet on 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.

The water sculpture "Sunken Garden" by Isamu Noguchi at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.

Untitled Sculpture by Yu Yu Yang on 88 Pine Street

Plexiglass Sculpture by George Adamy on 77 Water Street.

"Shadows and Flags" by Louise Nevelson on the Plaza named after her. 

 The sculpture "Two" by Gustavo Bonevardi on 2 Gold Street. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Aaron Johnson and 'Salon des Refuses' at Artion Gallery

Salon des Refuses is French for "Exhibition of rejects", originally referring to the Paris Salon of 1863. Normally, this would refer to any exhibition of works rejected from a juried art show. However. this group of rejects held together by Michael Anderson. 

The artist Aaron Johnson uses socks as brush strokes in his wild and comedic portraits. These old, used, personal items become the material for his sculptural paintings. 

 In Johnson's words: "The sweat-soaked, toe-nail-torn, holey socks create a painterly surface punctuated with orifices, phallic bulges, and a swirling seductive physicality."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christopher Wool at Guggenheim museum

A huge retrospective with over 90 of Wool's works was exhibited at Guggenheim museum. From the beginning of the spiral entry to the top the viewer can see most of Wools' major works.  

                                                                                                                                                            Karsten Moran

Wool's career started when he moved in the 1970's to New York city where he set up to explore the possibilities of painting. He made a defining breakthrough between 1986 and 1987 when he began to use paint rollers incised with floral and geometric designs to transfer patterns in severe black enamel to a white ground. 

Untitled, 1995
Enamel on aluminium.

In tandem with his pattern paintings, Wool developed a body of work that similarly subverted a set of existing forms, this time using language as his appropriated subject matter. He freely stripped out punctuation, disrupted conventional spacing, and removed letters.

Trouble, 1989.
Enamel and acrylic on aluminium.

Apocalypse Now, 1988 
Enamel on paper.
Wool titled it after Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now (1979)
In November 2013 art dealer Christophe van de Weghe 
bought on behalf of a client at Christie's New York for $26.4 million.

Untitled, 1990
Sold at Christie's London in February 2012 for $7.7 million.

Wool's attraction to the bleak poetic of urban margins was amplified in his first major photography series "Absent Without Leave" (1993). Taken during a period of solitary travels in Europe and elsewhere, the images are saturated with an atmosphere of alienation and shot raw, without any concern for technical refinement. 

A similar spirit of disaffection pervades a parallel work titled "East Broadway Breakdown" (1994-95/2002), but in this series, Wool documented his nightly walk home from his East Village studio. 

Over the past decade, Wool's simultaneous embrace and repression of his paintings potential have culminated in an open-ended vein of works that he refers to as his "gray paintings". In these large-scale abstractions, Wool alternates between the act of erasing and the act of drawing, repeatedly wiping away sprayed black enamel paint to create layers of tangled lines and hazy washes. 

Untitled, 2007
Enamel on linen. 

Christopher Wool was born in 1955 in Chicago, he lives and works in New York.