3D printing was introduced to the world in 1986 when Charles Hull patented his first 3D Printing machine. Almost 2 decades later, 3D printing has become more familiar and available to all. 3D printing is starting to take hold in many different areas, including clothing and food. The near future will see the 3D Printer will take a space in every modern house. So far we only see these unique items in shows and specialist companies. For 3 days New York welcomed the 3DPrintShow that allowed us to get more familiar with new products and be part this technology.
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3D printing has already taken its place in new fashion, and celebrities like Lady Gaga have already become their patrons. Anything you can imagine, unbelievably detailed shoes, accessories and dresses created especially for your body type will capture your attention. Artists and fashion designers have gotten more involved in producing new clothing using 3D printers.
3D is also becoming a new media for artists. Joshua Harker, Eric Van Straaten, and Sophie Kahn are pioneering new production. In the show classroom, Joshua Harker talked about his incredible journey to create unmakeable, his series of technically complex tangles. He is credited with the first work to break the "design and manufacturing possibility threshold".
3D printing company I.Materalise challenged users to create art pieces showcasing 3D prints in their work. Andy Warhol's Tomato Soup by Emanuele Niri was the winner:
3D printing has also become a strong tool for the movie industry to create more complex costumes and give them a futuristic look. Legacy Effects is one of the companies that can offer 3D model and costume printing to brighten filmmaker's imaginations. Thor, Avatar, and Iron Man are a few of the movies that used 3D production.